It’s fitting that Lina has written a devotional called Rest In Me. She’s a busy woman, practicing tele-medicine by day while writing, speaking and running a non-profit ministry. Living With Power Ministries provides a platform for Lina’s writing and Bible Studies. It’s her greatest passion to help Christians apply the Bible to their everyday lives, and lean into the power God promises in His word.
Lina is a popular conference speaker and has written 7 books. She hosts a podcast and a daily Morning Minute devotional. You can also hear her on Moody Radio on Today’s Single Christian.
When Lina is not writing, speaking or doctoring, she loves  to rest in warm places. Growing up in a Lebanese family, she is good at disciplines of work and routine, but a break in the routine, often via travel allows her to embrace rest.
Despite speaking to a lot of large groups, she is an introvert and silence and solitude recharge her batteries. Her background is Lebanese, and close to her heart is her ministry to Lebanese refugees in Syrian refugee camps. Learn more at this link:
Despite calling Chicago home, I’m an unashamed Green Bay Packer fan.
Consistently writing about Scripture means consistent meditation on Scripture, and I’ve found my love for God’s Word deepening.
The prompts here can be really effectively used as ice-breakers at a small group, or in a discipline relationship. The introspective questions, helpful personally, promote community when used with others.
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