Kimberly Shumate is an author, ghostwriter, screenwriter, and project developer. During twelve years with Harvest House Publishers, Kimberly discovered voices who received Christy nominations and awards, PW star ratings, and recognition within the CBA. In 2009, she founded ReVision Editing Agency and Living Word Literary Agency, ushering her into the ECPA. A member of the ACFW and Willamette Writers, she has worked with publishers such as Koechel Peterson in coordination with Simon & Schuster, Focus on the Family, Harvest House, Bridge Logos, Thomas Nelson, David C Cook, Tyndale, and Zondervan/HarperCollins. Kimberly finds joy in helping others polish and promote their passion projects, and is the author of Look Up Girl: 100 Devotions to Lift You Up When Life Brings You Down.